Days like these
On days like these, I feel horribly lost in a world that is foreign to me. My natural instincts take me in from outside and turn me within myself as if seeking refuge within some inner sanctum after...
View ArticleTo those I have left behind
I wrote this poem in 2001 and dedicate it to: All of those who have considered, attempted or committed suicide. All of those who have lost a loved one to suicide. All of those who have judged someone...
View ArticleAftermath
A prisoner of my mind trapped a helpless victim desperate to escape unable to find an exit beneath the water air s q u e e z i n g out f a l l i n g just like before A prisoner of circumstance sunshine...
View ArticleJar of Secrets
I carried my jar of secrets step by childhood step through prickly clumps of wild grass and filmy spider nets I dug my nails into my hand step by blistered step as I crossed the solar powered tar and...
View ArticleThought tunnel
This poem is the result of another revision exercise. I have used a 15 year old poem, called Slipping, to write this new one, Thought Tunnel. Be warned, it is rather dark and gloomy! Dark Tunnel via...
View ArticleBianca’s Weekly Wonder List 23.08.13
Overcoming Adversity via Nails Magazine Hi everyone, I hope that you are all having a wonderfully productive week. Personally, I have had a hectic few weeks and am still catching up on my reading, but...
View ArticleAmplified Silence (With Audio)
Those who nurse secrets, nurse a chaotic world of amplified silence. ~ B.G. Bowers … Violence interrupted, disrupted vandalised the skeleton of skin ¨ Innocence abducted without anaesthetic ¨ Reborn...
View ArticleBrevity (With Audio)
Hello friends Brevity is a revised version of an earlier poem, Blue Butterfly. The poem is about my Primary School Art Teacher who, sadly, committed suicide with an Elephant rifle. She was a kind soul...
View ArticleA Poet’s Homage to Faithless
Happy New Year everyone! This is a poem from my upcoming poetry book, Death and Life. Faithless are best known for their dance music, but they’re much more than that to me. Their lyrics are always...
View ArticleA Special Guest: Loren Kleinman
Welcome, Poetry People, to day 14 of National Poetry Month where I’ll be hosting a range of guest bloggers during April. Click HERE to see what you’ve missed so far. Please welcome today’s special...
View ArticleEndurance
An ache requires endurance. Stamina. A mind-marathon that may or may not result in implosion. My internal landscape ached for a decade before my body finally tried to self-destruct. But the darkness...
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